Crazy Pizza in Al Liwan: Not-So-Crazy Experience

The social media hype surrounding Crazy Pizza in Al Liwan was too much to resist, so the Social Team paid them a visit. A little heads up, it’s reservation-only which was a hassle, but thankfully the friendly hostesses managed to arrange us in at a table for three (the seating wasn’t ideal). The service provided by the waiters and hostess was excellent – major props to them!

Now, about the food. The pizzas seemed a bit pricey,  we opted for the Parmigiana (10.5 BD). The description explained a flavour explosion with aubergine cream, buffalo mozzarella, and other fresh ingredients. Unfortunately, the reality was a dry, thin pizza base. The taste of the sauce just didn’t live up to the hype, especially considering the cost. It definitely wasn’t the picture-perfect dish we were expecting as shown on their social media.

We also tried their “best-seller,” the truffle parmesan fries. Sadly, we were disappointed again. The fries barely had any truffle flavor, and the fries themselves were unsalted and tasted like they came straight from the freezer. The presentation was lack luster, as the truffle paste was added as little blobs on the fries. We expected more, especially from a “best-seller.”

Overall, Crazy Pizza left us underwhelmed. The social media hype didn’t translate to our experience. We did get a kick out of their “spinning pizza show” (although it wasn’t actual dough, major disappointment!), but the food itself couldn’t keep up. Maybe other pizzas or pastas might be better and we were just unlucky that day. We might give them another shot in the future, but for now, we’d recommend managing your expectations.  

For more information check out their Instagram: – @crazypizza.bahrain

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