Honoring Sheikha Sabeeka: International Women’s Day

As we approach International Women’s Day, it’s essential to recognize the significant contributions of Shaikha Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa to the advancement for the women of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Shaikha Sabeeka’s empathic leadership led to the establishment of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) in 2001, marking a turning point in Bahrain’s commitment to women’s rights. Under her guidance, the SCW has pioneered programs to break down barriers and empower women across all sectors, breaking down stereotypes and giving a positive reminder of the capabilities and success of Arab women.

Education has been a priority for Shaikha Sabeeka, who has expanded opportunities for girls to access quality schooling and scholarships. She’s also championed women’s economic empowerment, enabling them to start businesses and pursue careers, driving innovation and prosperity.  

Under Shaikha Sabeeka’s leadership, significant investments have been made in healthcare infrastructure, including new hospitals, clinics, and centers, expanding access to essential services while improving care quality. She prioritizes preventive care and wellness programs, empowering women to make informed health decisions. Notably, she spearheads initiatives to enhance maternal and child health, reducing mortality rates and ensuring safe childbirth practices. These efforts result in improved outcomes, with fewer complications and preventable illnesses.

Shaikha Sabeeka’s dedication has been recognized globally, with numerous awards and honors. In 2010, the United Nations Development Programme established the “Queen Sabeeka Al Khalifa Award for Women Empowerment” in recognition of her outstanding contributions to advancing women’s rights and empowerment.  

As we celebrate Women’s Day, let’s honor Shaikha Sabeeka’s transformative impact on Bahraini women, a legacy that will inspire generations.

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