Managing Pandemic anxiety

Digital Magazine Bahrain |Lifestyle and Trends in Bahrain

It’s normal to occasionally experience anxiety — when we’re anxious, we tend to trap ourselves in false or limited ways of thinking. These thought patterns create a debilitating negative spiral that can take over our lives by convincing us of impending doom and further exacerbating our sense of helplessness. Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety and it is natural to feel grief and worry.

VMG Approach

The greatest and most important adventure of our lives is discovering who we really are. Yet, so many of us walk around either not really knowing or listening to an awful inner critic that gives us all the wrong ideas about ourselves. Finding yourself may sound like an inherently self-centered goal, but it is actually an unselfish process that is at the root of everything we do in life. Holistic health is a field of study and philosophy that takes into account every part of a human being – including the mind, body, emotional state and spirit. It considers each piece to be essential because the connections between them can significantly affect our daily lives. Finding our true-self, or our highest value is the key to understanding the root-cause of our anxiety.

VMG is a unique scientific methodology, which is developed by Mr. Ahmed Fadhul, Mr. Mohammed Almoathen and Dr. Nada  Ahmad Al-Hasawi. VMG is a manner which helps an individual discover their true self by determining his/her highest value, which draws inspiration from within… without the need of external motivation.


Application of VMG methodology operationalizes the internal self-energy for serving the individual’s purpose in life.

V stands for VALUE, where the highest value of hierarchy of values is determined.

M stands for MIND, where the individual’s behavior emanates from hidden thoughts in his/her mind. The highly effective scientific tools assist in managing the individual’s mind for directing  him/her toward serving his/her highest value.

G stands for GOAL. By having a written strategic goal, mind and body are activated  to move forward to achieve the individual’s purpose in life.

The talk also featured an art experience by Bahraini artist- Hussain Alnoaimi. He spoke about his own struggles with anxiety, which he faced during the lockdown and how implementing his highest value assisted him to remove obstacles and create a focus in his mind.  He led the attendees on an art experience, wherein he encouraged them to draw and paint a heart shape, which he later informed that discovering your highest value comes from your heart. It’s the beacon that pumps energy into our body and tells the mind to follow in its direction.

VMG Ambassadors

Mr. Mohammed Almoathen
Mental & Behavioral counselor & CEO of Kanz Alexier, center for training, Consultation & Development, Bahrain
IG- @mohd_almoathen

Mr. Ahmed Fadhul
Mental consultant & coach & Founder of Kanz Alexier , center for training, Consultation & Development, Bahrain
IG – @mylife2020

Dr. Nada Ahmad Al-Hasawi
Scientist & Global speaker in Body healing Mechanism & CEO, Elexir of Life Global consultation center, Kuwait

Artist Information

Mr. Hussain Alnoaimi
Self-taught artist, inspirational speaker & VMG advocate
IG – @hussainalnoaimiart
Phone/ Whatsapp – +97333230028
Email –


Tanvi’s Vision aka TanVISON is to create curated lifestyle events focusing on complete HOLISTIC WELL-BEING of mind, body and soul. We aim to support an environment where people are engaged, motivated to learn and develop, and are proactive in managing their own well-being by discovering their highest value and their purpose in life.

Tan’s Mission

Our Well-being events are committed to champion the integration of holistic wellbeing through implementing VMG methodology  and practices into individuals, families, education networks and workplaces in Bahrain and beyond.

TanVISION is an extension of Kanz Alexier- Centre for training, counseling and development, Bahrain.

Contact Details
Phone / Whatsapp – +97366334833

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